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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Sandra F
Perfect for Fly Season in Australia

We had two days of what Aussies called "mild fly infestations", and the compactable mosquito hat was perfect! It worked so well on the first day that my fellow travelers were envious and then bought out a gift store of all their mosquito nets to put over random heads/hats the next day! The “mild” infestation was about 50 of them gunning straight for your ears and eyes and mouth if it was open!

Sheri Schneringer
Mozzie twist & fold hat and jacket

Took the hat & jacket to Alaska, LOTS of mosquitos, worked great!

Clara Garza

This mosquito hat fits perfect! I should of bought more! It’s so comfortable. Very nice! Thank you Mozzie!

Denise Shutt

Well I just received my gear last night. I don't see how the hat folds and there are no directions but I took a hike today and for the first time in weeks had no issues with the bugs. I think this will work well for me. Maybe consider a note about how to make the hat fold. Thanks Denise

Laura Cooke
Twist & Fold Mosquito Net Hat

Works like a charm. Keeps mosquitos, big and little flies, gnats and what I call sweat bees away when working in the garden.