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Tick Talk: How Ticks Find and Seek Their Hosts
fun facts
harmful chemicals
Insecticide Free
Untreated Mosquito Net
Heather BolesAug 16, 20230 comments
Tick Talk: How Ticks Find and Seek Their Hosts
In the intricate dance of the natural world, ticks play a significant role as stealthy and resourceful parasites. These tiny arachnids have perfected the art of tracking down and latching...
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Where do the bugs go in the winter?
biting gnat
Mosquito Fun Facts
sand fly
Heather BolesFeb 2, 20230 comments
Where do the bugs go in the winter?
Wondering what happens to those pesky mosquitoes and other insects in the middle of winter? Mosquitoes and other bugs have different ways of surviving the winter depending on the species and...
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What Are The Most Common Tick-Borne Diseases in the U.S.?
Heather BolesSep 3, 20220 comments
What Are The Most Common Tick-Borne Diseases in the U.S.?
Ticks are found in all 50 states, and reporting shows that their populations are increasing. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show tick-borne illnesses have more than...
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